OPINION The current media, just like Congress and the Supreme Court of Justice, are political; they are only interested in defending their republican and democratic ideas without caring about the most important thing, their homeland. Sooner or later a third political...


Opinion How to teach our children and young people before they turn 18 and have the right to vote, that in our country DEMOCRACY allows our judges be nominated by the politicians in power to be loyal and strengthen their party, without considering that their...
Whitout fear

Whitout fear

The history of our country will be written forever, our democracy is an example for the world, it proved that our laws are applied equally to its citizens firmly and without fear. This is a great sign to warn traitors, corrupt politicians and irresponsible citizens...
Whitout fear

Without fear – Sin miedo

Corrupt politicians, fragile justice systems, bad press and the blindness of millions of voters will lead the USA to reach popularity rates and a bad example of democracy to the world. Los políticos corruptos, los frágiles sistemas de justicia, la mala prensa y la...
Opinion: All Signs Point to a Trump Debate Meltdown

Opinion: All Signs Point to a Trump Debate Meltdown

The news that President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to two debates, one in just a few weeks’ time, in late June, and another in September, has naturally got the punditverse buzzing. Some commentators have focused on Biden’s sharp early morning...